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Link Building

How to Build a Relationship? (Before You Build the Link)

  • Rad 

Actionable Link Building Insights From The Pros

Quite a few algorithm updates ago, link builders were able to get links from various sources, with little to no effort and contact with actual people. Instant approval directory submissions, bookmark websites, inane comments on the blog posts of people who are actually taking the time to create some content, valueless forum posts, and the list goes on.

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5 Things X-Men’s Professor X Taught Me About Link Building

  • Rad 

In Marvel’s comic book and cinematic universe there are a lot of powerful individuals, but not many quite as powerful as Professor Charles Xavier. Even though Marvel has created such characters as Apocalypse, Galactus and Franklin Richards, who can easily destroy entire worlds as well as God-like creatures from different planets and dimensions, not many of them can hold a candle to Professor X.

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