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What are the First Links you Should Build for Your New Site

  • Rad 

Last time, I wrote about the difference between link building and link earning. In that particular article, I pointed out that one of the major things that separates the two is the fact that the first practice revolves around creating links, while the latter is more focused on creating valuable resources that have the power to encourage people to ORGANICALLY link back to your domain or pages.

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Types of Links According to their Benefit

  • Rad 

As much as everyone feels the imperative to deny it, link building is still one of the essential elements of every SEO campaign. The lack of honest conversation breeds ignorance, i.e. while we are all pretending we are above reaching out for a guest post, we can’t really talk about what it is that makes a link useful. That’s why some people will either think that solicited links will instantly get you penalized, or that they will magically improve your rankings – regardless of their type, quality, location, etc.

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Sweet SEO Tips From a Team of People Who Do it for a Living

  • Rad 

Have you given up on search engine optimization?

Are you one of those people who no longer feel SEO is working? Is your ROI so critical in this field that you’ve started thinking it’s time to call it quits and look for gold somewhere else?

If so, I’m willing to bet that you’ve been making all the wrong moves with your optimization. It’s more than likely that your efforts in this department have just been misguided.

As the CEO of an SEO agency that helps a substantial number of clients from all parts of the globe achieve success online, my experience has taught me that it’s more than possible that your overall SEO playbook is in need of some fine-tuning and updating.

Read More »Sweet SEO Tips From a Team of People Who Do it for a Living