Blacklisted domains for safe link building

Problem: Low-quality websites or those which publicly promote that they are selling links

Everybody is getting huge amounts of spam emails with excel files packed with websites that are selling links. John Muller from Google is also getting those :)

The Internet truly can be a dark place, full of websites made for blackhat SEO.

As you can imagine, your clients won’t be happy to see their backlink on such pages, and neither will Google. These backlinks can negatively impact rankings and even lead to penalties. Needless to say, you risk losing clients and damaging your reputation if that happens.

As link builders usually get paid based on their performance, they sometimes tend to focus on quantity instead of quality. This means they will try to resort to not-so-great websites in order to deliver more links.

So how do you prevent this?

Solution: Add low-quality domains to the blacklist in Base

Base allows you to create a list of blacklisted domains. That way, you will directly prevent your link builders from adding those websites to the opportunities list.

Basically, you get a spammy excel list, copy-paste it to your blacklist and you and your clients are safe.

You will no longer have to pay link builders for reaching out to crappy or dangerous websites that won’t provide any value to your clients.

The longer your blacklist is, the less room there is for mistakes and low-quality backlinks.

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