Link building dashboard reporting with Base and Reportz

Problem: Link status can change before you report it to the client

Writing link building reports can be very frustrating. Sure, you always ensure to document all the important link metrics and change link statuses as you go through the link building process, but unfortunately, these things can change.

Website metrics change all the time.

Besides that, a backlink you created a week ago may have been removed hours before you generated your report.

You can double-check every single backlink before you report it to the client, but that’s not very productive.

So, what are your options?

Solution: Real-time link building dashboard reporting with Base and Reportz

The good news is, we have another tool in our arsenal that can help you optimize and round up your link building process — Reportz. The even better news? It integrates with Base!

Reportz is designed for creating and delivering impressive marketing reports and it is a true lifesaver for everyone who needs to report link building progress.

Reportz and Base work together to help you ensure that your dashboards are always well-organized and up to date, with real-time reporting. They enable you to complete your entire reporting process from a single dashboard, with just a couple of clicks.

You won’t have to worry about outdated metrics and link health changes. Your reports will always contain correct and insightful data thanks to Base, and will feature beautiful design and intuitive outline thanks to Reportz.

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Our link management tool is both - easy on the eyes and easy to use. Check out our demo video to see just how user-friendly our link building tool is, how you can use its features to monitor backlinks, check link health and streamline your off-site SEO workflow.

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