Link building Chrome extension

Problem: Switching between tabs/platforms is a waste of time

Finding link building opportunities is tedious and time-consuming. You need to ensure that the prospect website: is a good fit content-wise, has required SEO metrics, is looking for guest contributions and link partnerships, has some spammy signals, etc.

Additionally, you need to check if your team members already stumbled on that website and claimed it for a specific client.

If you think that sounds like a lot of hassle and tab shifting, you’re right. Having to constantly change tabs, copy and paste website URLs, and manually search spreadsheets truly is slow and inefficient.

Solution: get all the essential information from the Chrome extension

With the Base Chrome extension, you can see all the important information such as website metrics, spam score, blacklist status, and if the website is already claimed or not.

With one simple click on the Base extension icon, you have everything you need right at your fingertips.

All Base features are designed to make your link building process more efficient, but our Chrome extension truly helps supercharge your productivity!

As one of our dearest early adopter users of Base, Nenad from DigitalSilk said “just with the Base Chrome extension we saved 70% of our daily link building workload.”

Bonus happiness: document your links directly from a website

Base Chrome extension allows you to easily document your links without even switching tabs. You can simply click on the right corner of your browser window and change the status of your links without ever leaving the website. No more copy/pasting and manual link entries!

Not only will this help you save time, but you will also mitigate the risk of mistakes and typos by pulling data directly from websites, instead of entering URLs into spreadsheets by hand.

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Our link management tool is both - easy on the eyes and easy to use. Check out our demo video to see just how user-friendly our link building tool is, how you can use its features to monitor backlinks, check link health and streamline your off-site SEO workflow.

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